
Rebirth Kodi add-on est identique à l’add-on Exodus qui était autrefois un addon tiers populaire pour Kodi. Les utilisateurs de XBox ressentiront la même sensation que les utilisateurs de Windows, Android et Mac depuis de nombreuses années. Il vous apportera des films et des émissions de télévision gratuitement qui vaut la peine d’essayer pour les utilisateurs XBox. XBMC Add-ons for Adults. Includes videos and adult movie scrapers To install download https://github.com/xbmc-adult/xbmc-adult-1.0.7.zip - Save the file somewhere you can reach it from Kodi - In Kodi go to System -> Settings -> Add-ons -> Install from zip file and select the file you downloaded. You will have to allow unsigned repositories for this to work as xbmc-adult is not an offical Kodi repository 22/04/2020 · VideoDevil - Adult Addon for Kodi - Duration: 6:09. Blog du VPN 4,097 views. 6:09. NEW FIRESTICK KODI ADDON INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Magic Dragon-Scrubs-Fen-Tempest - Duration: 37:01. 09/08/2019 · With the KODI Adult addon pack you get all the working adult addons for KODI on 2019 with a simple one-click wizard! Using the Dimitrology TV Wizard you can install all the adult addons with all the corresponded repositories and simply add the content into your current KODI setup! Also, the Dimitrology Wizard has also been updated (current version is 2.0) so it can be easier and more 21/09/2017 · 7. Also there’s another add-on on here XXX-O-DUS. Install it. 8. Go back, there is another add-on on here that’s really good for movies and TV shows as well as for adult add-ons “Bennu”, install it, choose the newest version. 9. Click Bennu again and open it. As I mentioned before you get movies TV shows and the adult zone right here Install Adult Only Hub AddOn on your Kodi device. Adult Only Hub is another top add-on from the Entertainment Repo stable as you can see by the title its a strictly over 18 add-on . This add-on has been around for years since i joined the Kodi Community it is linked to the best Adult scene release websites. Content from sites such as Adult Bay 03/02/2018 · The latest version of the Adult Pack is v1.5. Brings some new entries, by new developers: Moranable and Mr Skeletor! That brings the number of Adult Video Addons on KODI to 25 and 1 Picture Addon for a total of 26 XXX KODI Addons!

31 Dec 2014 The world largest Kodi addon repository containing more than 1.300 addons. Package Details: kodi-addon-superrepo-adult 0.7.04-3 

Il existe beaucoup d’addons Kodi qui permettent de voir des vidéos pour adultes. Entre tous, certains se démarquent par leur mauvais fonctionnement, ou leurs publicités trop présentes. Mais d’autres, au contraire, permettent de regarder, sans publicité, des vidéos complètes de films ou de webcam et ce de manière complètement gratuite. C’est le cas de l’addon que je vais vous présenter et qui permet d’accéder à tout type de contenu X! Voici comment avoir directement sur


Click on Adult Hideout (or whatever you named the source). 18. Click on kodi-repos . 19. Select on xxx-adult . 20. Select on Repository.kodiadult-1.0.0.zip . 21. Select Install from Repository . 22. Click on TVADDONS.CO Adult 19+ Add-on Repo . 23. Pick Video add-ons. 24. Select Adult Hideout Video again. 25. Click on Install. 26. Open the kodi-repos folder. Select the english folder, or international for foreign language addons. Select the addon developer's repository: repository.kodiadult-1.0.0.zip; Wait a second for the repository to download. Select the Install from repository function at this point. Choose the repository you just installed: TVADDONS.CO Adult 18+ Add