Sorti il y a peu, Kodi Krypton ou Kodi 17, vient d’être rejoint par une première mise à jour 17.1 qui apporte son lot de correctifs à la version précédente. Si votre solution n’appréciait pas spécialement la dernière mouture de l’application, il est possible que cette nouvelle venue corrige des problèmes rencontrés.
Kodi 17.0 Krypton brought many new features. The app has been around for around 15 years since its release and it has improved a lot of over the years. There are hundreds of volunteer developers working on the app to make it better. There were many new features in the latest version 17 release. Let’s see what those are in the next section. Changelog: New Default skins: Estuary and Estouchy Kodi v17 (Krypton) Beta 2. Love this. 05 Oct 2016 . Fire69. Send private message to this user. Newbie. XBMC Media Center for Windows rev. 14676. It's not yet perfect, but when this thing goes stable, it will be the Media Center available! 13 Aug 2008 All reviews by user Fire69. Total number of reviews for this software: 3. Top downloads. Sony Vegas Pro (32-bit) uTorrent (64-bit) SoftEther VPN Fixes done in this Kodi v17 “Krypton” Beta 3: Fix album rating which should show as 0-10 compared to 0-5 before; Add ability to JSON-RPC to return user ratings; Fix mouse focus offset on buttons in EPG window; Check on selected fanart pack in Estuary; Fix WAV playback on Windows; Add proper screen scale for latest iOS devices ; Add time button on PVR information dialog; Fix certain bugs Kodi v17 (Krypton) Beta 2. Love this. 06 Oct 2016 . Fire69. Send private message to this user. Newbie. XBMC Media Center for Windows rev. 14676. It's not yet perfect, but when this thing goes stable, it will be the Media Center available! 13 Aug 2008 All reviews by user Fire69. Total number of reviews for this software: 3. Top downloads. Sony Vegas Pro (32-bit) uTorrent (64-bit) SoftEther VPN Kodi 17 Krypton Beta 7 Released, Here’s What’s New Today, the folks behind Kodi announced the latest beta build, beta 7, whilst confirming that future test builds will be designated as Release Candidates. Kodi, the hugely popular media center application that was spawned from the … 13/06/2020 KODI v17.0 Krypton – The last Beta 7. 19th December 2016 Announcements No Comments. From the official KODI website: “It’s almost Christmas and as such we wanted to bring you the last Beta version of Kodi 17. This means we have good hopes we have squashed the biggest and known issues and up next we will go to Release Candidates which in the end will result in the final
As the festive period goes in full swing, Kodi has finally released its last beta version for the new v.17 Krypton with the Estuary Interface. The update brings major bug fixes, menus, navigational aspects and other amazing additional features that will enhance your Kodi experience. According to the team behind Kodi, this seventh and last beta update will lay the foundations for launching the final version of the software upgrade. (Check our updated guide on how to setup krypton
8 Nov 2016 Special Note to Everyone: Kodi 17 Beta 5 does have an issue that's known My LibreELEC 7.0.2 install just updated to 3.4.30 - and while I can 23 Dec 2016 All, The current version of the slingfront plugin for kodi is incompatible with the latest v17.0 Krypton which is about to drop (im running beta 7).